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How Long Do Rooftop Residential Solar Panels Last?

Author: Daisy

Oct. 07, 2024

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How Long Do Rooftop Residential Solar Panels Last?

Jiasheng Product Page

Solar panels are a great way to reduce the footprint of carbon. The overall lifespan of solar panels will allow you to produce energy for many years; this is ultimately helpful in generating more return on investment.

It is estimated that the life of photovoltaic solar panels lasts for around 25 years. Most solar panel companies facilitate a standard 25-year warranty for the expected life expectancy of the solar panels. After the breach of 25 years, the solar panels cannot be replaced because the ability to absorb sunlight will be reduced.

Homeowners and businesses around the globe are attaining more and more interest in making their lifestyles more sustainable. The adoption of solar energy is a transition to clean, sustainable energy that also dramatically decreases the utility bill of the month.

As a purpose to get the most life from your solar panel installation, it&#;s important to understand the average lifespan of solar panels and determine the worth of the investment for your home or business.

How Long Do Rooftop Solar Panels Last?

As per the experts, the total and average life of solar panels is around 25-30 years. This does not indicate that after the breaching of the life of the solar panels installed on the roof of your house or RV will suddenly stop working completely.

In other words, it states that the output produced by the panels will decrease a significant amount below the standard the manufacturer projected after years of use.

In a normal way, a solar panel will be able to work with relatively stable performance for decades, but there are things that need to be considered about solar panel warranties and their performance over time.

What Is the Lifespan Of Solar Panel Batteries?

As recorded, seven out of ten solar panel buyers always desire to include a battery in their system. Home energy storage allows you to store the extra electricity generated by your solar panels during the day, which can be utilized later when required. The situations can be like power breakdown or electrical failure at night.

Solar storage is a very huge, long-term investment in your house. There are various advantages of converting energy to renewable energy. Here in this article, we are going to mention frequent concerns concerning the life expectancy of a solar battery.


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What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Solar Battery?

Solar batteries for the home can last from 5 to 15 years.

5 Factors Affecting the Life of a Household Solar Battery

&#;     Type of Solar Battery

&#;     Solar Battery Usage

&#;     Solar Battery Temperatures

&#;         Warranty on Solar Batteries

&#;     Maintenance of Solar Batteries

5 Tips On How To Make Your Solar Panels Last Longer

One of the things that friends and colleagues show interest in almost always asks about- Is it possible to make solar panels last longer?

The answer to the same is yes, it&#;s definitely possible to make solar panels last longer. One can achieve this by doing these five things:

1. Regularly Checking and Maintenance of the panels

Broken glass, cracked panels, and loose connections are the top three issues that one can face with the panels over the years.

Electrical faults can also be discovered, and to resolve the problem, a regular checkup is required.

If you track a large difference from the same month in previous years, you might be dealing with an electrical issue.

2. Replace Inverters after 10 Years

Faulty inverters give promotion to system failures. A typical solar inverter has a lifespan of about 10-15 years, with a product warranty of 5-10 years.

This simply states that the buyer can replace the inverter in the future much sooner than your panels. The usage of microinverters can also be done because they can last for 25 years.

3. Maintain and Replace the Batteries

If the user has a large bank of batteries, rotate them periodically. Through this process, the battery will receive an equal amount of charge, which will extend its service life.

The improvements can also be made by large battery cables, which have lower resistance.

The major point to remember is that the batteries should never be left uncharged for long periods of time, as this can reduce the capacity.

4. Keep the panels clean from dirt and Other Materials That May Damage It

Quality solar panels are built to endure high winds, heavy snow, and hail falling at about 50 miles per hour.

It is good to wash them off in the morning before they heat up so that they cannot crack and cause any other damage.

Your solar panels will last longer and operate at their peak efficiency if in case the dust, leaves, pollen, and bird droppings are regularly removed from them.

5. Work With A Trustworthy Solar Panel Provider

One of the best things the users of the panels can do to make their solar array last longer is to get a reliable provider at the very start.

Which Type of Solar Panel Lasts Longest?

Both monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon solar panels last for a long time. They have a lifespan that can go beyond 25-year warranties.

Monocrystalline silicon panels are the most efficient type of panel for harvesting solar energy. They are dark in nature, with solar cells shaped like squares with cut-off corners.

However, their high efficiency does not decrease, as they are more expensive than polycrystalline panels.

On the contrary, the Polycrystalline silicon panels are blue in colour. They have the appearance of shiny confetti inside, which are actually silicon crystals.

Between these crystals, there are gaps that &#;trap&#; the electrons, which make these panels less efficient than their monocrystalline counterparts.


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What Makes Your Solar Panels Become Less Efficient?

One should make a deep thought before making a big decision regarding choosing a panel that will last long. Let us view how long solar panels last when faced with things you can&#;t control.


High heat can cause cracks on the surface of the panels that allow moisture to get absorbed. Moisture is a big issue because it doesn&#;t only reduce your panel&#;s energy output but also increases its degradation rates.

In extreme cases, heat can discolor the panel, which makes the solar energy system less efficient.


A strong wind can vibrate the structure, loosening the fasteners that hold different parts of your solar system together. These wind vibrations are caused by any piece of machinery.


If the installation of the solar is not done properly, rain can cause corrosion which reduces your system&#;s efficiency and increases its degradation rates. Corrosion can also weaken its metal understructure and framing.


Freezing temperatures can cause warp to the solar, cells to crack, and frames to move apart. To prevent the condition, including a thick layer of snow on top of that, and guess how much extra weight panels and the mount have to suffer.

Solar Panel Life Cycle Cost

Typically, the average cost of a solar system is between $15,000 to $25,000. Here we have mentioned the associated costs of the following:

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit FAQ of solar panels.

&#;       Installation Cost &#; Installation Cost includes the upfront costs of installation, the price of the solar panels, contractors, and required permits.

&#;       Repair and replacement &#; the repairing and the replacement of the panels might be the basic requirement in some cases. The unforeseen circumstances may damage them, including fallen trees, extreme weather, or lightning.

&#;     Other costs &#; Apart from repairs, there are other add-on costs you need to face for your panels, such as cleaning or tree trimming services to keep them in top shape.

How Long Do Solar Panels Take To Pay For Themselves?

Depending on the size of your solar panel system and the export tariff, your solar panels can be paid off after 15-25 years. A larger system is more expensive, but it can generate more electricity and, therefore, can bring you more savings in the long run.

A 5kW solar panel system can break even after 15-20 years, while a 3kW system can take 21-25 years to break even.

To protect the lifespan of your panels, ensure you always adhere to solar panel maintenance and cleaning tips.

How Long Can Solar Panels Last Without Sun?

Solar panels can work efficiently on cloudy days and night time. However, the performance of the system is not affected anyhow by the weather. There will be some variations in energy output.

Generally, an average household consumes a maximum of 2 kW during an outage, with an average of 1 kW per outage.

How Long Do Tesla Solar Panels Last?

The Tesla solar panels last for about 25-30 years.

The company, Tesla, provides warranty coverage on both the workmanship and performance of its solar panels and solar roof. The company facilitates various services and guarantees to its users, like a 10-year comprehensive cover and a 25-year panel performance warranty.

How Long Do Roof Solar Panels Last?

Polycrystalline PV cells have a slightly higher degradation rate. This causes them to lose their efficiency a little faster when compared to the monocrystalline solars. Most polycrystalline panels come with a 20&#;35-year warranty period.


The longevity of the solar panel is dependent upon the type of system you choose, the local climate, your maintenance routine, and the brand you go for.

One needs to be careful about the extreme temperatures, wind, and snow. These conditions may cause damage to the components of the panel. Always remove the dirt and debris on the panel surface as well since they can reduce its efficiency.

But the most effective way to make your solar panels last long is to choose a solar provider that offers a solid warranty scheme for their product.

Solar Panel Maintenance: Make Your Panels Last for ...

Household solar panels are built to be super durable. For the most value, you'll want to make sure they last as long as possible. 

Residential solar panel systems can now cost $20,000 or less after a newly expanded federal tax credit. That means the option to switch to clean energy has never been more attainable. "Since I got started back in , the cost has dropped by something like 90%," Chris Deline, a research engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, told CNET. 

Solar panels are still an expensive investment, and you want to be sure that investment will still be paying off years from now. 

Can solar panels save you money?

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So how long can you expect your solar panels to last, and how can you ensure the maximum lifespan of your investment? The list of factors to consider isn't too long. 

How long do solar panels typically last?

With a $20,000 or more cost of installation, you'll want your solar panels to last longer than a few years. The good news is that they should. 

Deline says most solar panels are designed to last decades, and reputable installers should offer warranties of 25 years or longer. 

"In the entire system, probably some of the most durable and long-lived components are the solar panels themselves," he said. "They often come with 25-year warranties. Further, the materials they're composed of -- aluminum and glass, primarily -- can be durable enough to last much longer, sometimes 30, 40 or 50 years." 

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Often, if a failure occurs, it happens in the system's electrical components. Deline said that in many cases, issues like a problem with the system's inverter, which converts DC power to AC power, can simply be replaced without even climbing up to the panels themselves. In other instances, individual components of a panel's electronics can be fixed or replaced, which allows for a panel to last years into the future. 

What affects a solar panel's lifespan?

Solar panels aren't typically very fragile, so there isn't much that can affect their lifespan. 

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Deline said the elements of a solar panel degrade very slowly, which means they'll remain highly functioning well into their life cycles. Between the normal wear and tear of electrical components and micro-cracks that develop on the surface of the panels, he said experts typically estimate a degradation of half a percent per year. That means that if a panel sits on a roof for 20 years in normal conditions, it can still be expected to function at 90% of its original capacity. 

Natural disasters can lead to an earlier end to a solar system's lifespan. Events like a lightning strike, a hail storm or a wind storm can cause damage that the most durable panel can't withstand. Even in those instances, most panels are resilient. They require a lengthy testing process before being sold, which includes being blasted by hail up to 1.5 inches in diameter, alternating between high and low temperatures and baking in heat and humidity for 2,000 hours.

Which solar panels last the longest?

In the current solar panel industry, there isn't much room for differentiation between different types of solar panels, which simplifies your choices. 

"I would hesitate to say that any one panel is going to be more likely to survive longer than any other," Deline said. "Panels are pretty much going to be the same. The differences are the quality control of the manufacturer and whether they have a good handle on the chemistry and manufacturing technology." 

That makes it critical to ensure that you're getting your system installed by a reputable source. An increase in federal solar incentives, along with solar lease programs, solar loan offers and solar rebates, has flooded the market with less-than-savory outfits. Deline recommends interested buyers do their research, get a few quotes and avoid deals that sound too good to be true. 

Should I replace my roof before getting solar panels?

You might wonder whether you need to have a specialized roof before installing solar panels. The good news is that in , solar panel installation requires very little of a typical roof. 

Deline said that unless you have a roof designed for aesthetics rather than load-bearing, or if the design of your home means it can't withstand any more weight, a typical residential house should be just fine for solar panel installation. Your installer will also check the condition of your roof to make sure it will last.

"Generally, your installer should be able to figure that out just by looking at it," he said. "But if your roof is totally falling apart, it may not be worth it." 

How to make your solar panels last longer

So how can solar system adopters ensure their panels last through their 25-year warranties and beyond? Here are a few ways to maximize the lifespan of your solar system, according to Deline. 

Use an installer you trust

Because these panels will stay on top of your home for more than two decades, be sure to be thorough when doing your research on who is installing your system. Deline said finding a reputable installer is "far and away" the most important step in the process, and mistakes upfront can create huge headaches down the line. 

Keep an eye on your usage

It may seem obvious, but Deline warns that those with a solar system should be sure to monitor how much they're generating. That's because systems often have some kind of shut-off switch, which can be tripped surprisingly easily, even by an expert. If you turn your system off without realizing it, you can waste days or weeks of generation. 

"I have kids, and we have a big red shut-off handle," he said. "I came home one day and it was off, and I found out that a month before, my kid had been messing around outside and had hit the switch. If you don't keep tabs on it, it could just be off for extended periods of time." 

Keep your panels clean

A little bit of dirt and grime won't render your panels useless, but it's still a good idea to keep them clean. Deline said different areas of the country lead to different types of buildup, from dirt and soil to snow. With too much buildup, they won't work as effectively. The good news is that it's as simple as cleaning panels off with a push broom. Just be sure not to smash them. 

"You can't walk on them, but otherwise they're pretty resilient," he said. "You can even hose them off." 

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