Global fleet of LNG tankers 2010-2023
Global fleet of LNG tankers -
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GIIGNL. (July 12, ). Number of liquefied natural gas storage vessels worldwide from to [Graph]. In
. Retrieved October 07, , from "Number of liquefied natural gas storage vessels worldwide from to ." Chart. July 12, . Statista. Accessed October 07, .
Number of liquefied natural gas storage vessels worldwide from to
. Statista Inc.. Accessed: October 07, . "Number of Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Vessels Worldwide from to ."
, Statista Inc., 12 Jul ,, Number of liquefied natural gas storage vessels worldwide from to Statista, (last visited October 07, )
Number of liquefied natural gas storage vessels worldwide from to [Graph], GIIGNL, July 12, . [Online]. Available:
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